LassoScript Utility
Basics Browse Detail


Tag Link -ReturnField Category Database
Type Command Source Available No
Support Preferred Version 3.0
Change Unchanged Data Source Lasso MySQL
Output Type None Security None
Implementation LCAPI Sets Lasso 8.5, Lasso 8.0, Lasso 7.0, Lasso 6.0, Lasso 5.0, Lasso 3.x


-ReturnField specifies the name of a field which should be returned with the results of a database action. Synonym is -ReturnColumn.

If one or more -ReturnField tags are specified then only the named fields will be returned. If no -ReturnField tags are specified then all fields in the specified table will be returned.

Only one field can be named in each -ReturnField tag. To return multiple fields, use multiple -ReturnField tags.


[Inline: -ReturnField='Field_Name', ...]

<a href="default.lasso?-ReturnField=Field_Name&...">Link</a>

<form action="default.lasso" method="POST">
  <input type="hidden" name="-ReturnField" value="Field_Name">


Required Parameters
Field_Name Specifies the name of a field which should be returned.


To specify what fields to return from a database action:

Use the -ReturnField command tag. The following example specifies a -Search action in [Inline] ... [/Inline] tags. Only the First_Name field is returned in the results since a -ReturnField='First_Name' tag is included.

[Inline: -Search,
    <br>[Field: 'First_Name']
