LassoScript Utility
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Tag Link [String_ReplaceRegExp] Category String
Type Substitution Source Available No
Support Preferred Version 5.0
Change Unchanged Data Source Any
Output Type String Security None
Implementation LCAPI Sets Lasso 8.5, Lasso 8.0, Lasso 7.0, Lasso 6.0, Lasso 5.0


[String_ReplaceRegExp] takes three parameters: a string value, a -Find keyword/value parameter, and a -Replace keyword/value parameter. Returns a string with each instance of the -Find regular expression replaced by the value of the -Replace regular expression within the string parameter.

The following matching symbols are available in regular expressions. Each of these symbols matches a single character. Multiple characters are matched by combining these symbols with the combination symbols in the next table.

Note - Regular expressions in Lasso require double backslashes as shown in the listing below.

a-z A-Z 0-9 - Alphanumeric characters match the specified character.
. - Period matches any single character.
^ - Circumflex matches the beginning of a line.
$ - Dollar sign matches the end of a line.
\\... - A backslash escapes the next character. \\\\ represents a backslash.
[...] - Square brackets create a character class matching any character included inside.
[^...] - With a carat, any character other than those included inside is matched.
[a-z] - A range of characters can be specified.
\t - A tab character.
\r - A return character.
\n - A new-line character.
\" - A double quote.
\' - A single quote.
\\w - Matches any alphanumeric character or an underscore.
\\W - Matches any non-alphanumeric character.
\\s - Matches a whitespace character (space, tab, return, etc.).
\\S - Matches a non-whitespace character.
\\d - Matches a numeric digit.
\\D - Matches any non-numeric character.

The following combination symbols are used to combine matching symbols into complex expressions. For example a+ would match one or more a characters.

| - Alternation. Matches either the character before or the character after the symbol.
( ) - Grouping. Defines a named group for output. Nine pairs of parentheses can be defined.
* - Asterisk matches 0 or more repetitions of the preceding character.
+ - Plus sign matches 1 or more repetitions of the preceding character.
? - Question mark matches 0 or 1 repetitions of the preceding character.
{n} - Matches n repetitions of the preceding character.
{n,} - Matches at least n repetitions of the preceding character.
{n,m} - Matches at least n, but no more than m repetitions of the preceding character.

In the replacement pattern the following additional symbols can be used.

\\1 ... \\9 - An escaped number substitutes in the specified group (defined by parentheses) from the source.


[String_ReplaceRegExpString Value,
  -Find=Regular Expression,
  -Replace=Regular Expression]

[String_ReplaceRegExpString Value,
  -Find=Regular Expression,
  -Replace=Regular Expression,

[String_ReplaceRegExpString Value,
  -Find=Regular Expression,
  -Replace=Regular Expression,


Required Parameters
String Value The string which should be modified.
-Find The regular expression which should be found.
-Replace The replacement value for each instance of the search regular expression that is found.
Optional Parameters
Encoding Keyword Specifies the encoding for the tag's return value. Tags are encoded using -EncodeHTML by default if their value is output on a format file. No encoding is applied to nested tags unless an explicity encoding keyword is specified. One of -EncodeBreak, -EncodeHTML, -EncodeNone, -EncodeRaw, -EncodeSmart, -EncodeStrictURL, -EncodeURL, -EncodeXML.
-ReplaceOnlyOne If specified only the first instance of the search expression is replaced. Otherwise, all instances of the search expression are replaced.
-IgnoreCase If specified case is ignored when replacing the search expression within the target string.
-Matchlimit By default Lasso uses a recursive match limit depth of 100,000. This parameter can be used to modify the match limit if Lasso reports an error when using this tag.


To replace an email address with a mailto link:

Use the [String_ReplaceRegExp] tag. The following example replaces any email address in the source with an HTML anchor tag that allows visitors to send email to the address.

[String_ReplaceRegExp: 'Send email to',
  -Replace='<a href=\"mailto:\\1\"> \\1 </a>', -EncodeNone]

Send email to <a href=""> </a>

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