LassoScript Utility
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Tag Link [SOAP_DefineTag] Category Custom Tag
Type Substitution Source Available No
Support Preferred Version 8.0
Change Unchanged Data Source Any
Output Type None Security None
Implementation LCAPI Sets Lasso 8.5, Lasso 8.0


[SOAP_DefineTag] creates a local custom tag that automatically calls a remote SOAP procedure. This allows a SOAP procedure on a server anywhere in the world to be called as easily as any tag in Lasso.

The tag requires several parameters: -LocalTagName specifies the name of the local tag to be created. -Namespace specifies what namespace the local tag should be placed in. -WSDL references an XML document that describes the remote SOAP procedure (this is usually fetched from the remote server). -OperationName specifies what SOAP procedure is to be called.

The optional -Defaults parameter allows a map of default parameter values to be specified.

An optional -Procs parameter allows an array of procedures to be specified. Each procedure will be called in order on the return value of the SOAP operation.


[Var('WSDL' = XML(Include_URL('')))]
[Ex_MsgtoMorse: 'Howdy']


Required Parameters
-LocalTagName The name of the local tag to be created.
-OperationName The name of the remote SOAP procedure.
Optional Parameters
-Namespace Optional namespace for the local tag to be created.
-Defaults Optional map of defaults.
-Procs Optional array of procedures to apply to the SOAP return value.
-Username If specified then HTTP authentication is used on the SOAP request. A -Password must also be specified.
-Password If specified then HTTP authentication is used on the SOAP request. A -Username must also be specified.


See the Lasso 8 Language Guide for examples of how to use this tag.