LassoScript Utility
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Tag Link [File_Write] Category File
Type Process Source Available No
Support Preferred Version 3.0
Change Unchanged Data Source Any
Output Type None Security Tag, File
Implementation LCAPI Sets Lasso 8.5, Lasso 8.0, Lasso 7.0, Lasso 6.0, Lasso 5.0, Lasso 3.x


[File_Write] writes data to the specified file. Accepts two paramaters, the name of the file to be written and the data which should be written into the file. Optional -FileOverWrite keyword specifies that the destination file should be overwritten if it exists, otherwise the data specified is appended to the end of the file.

The file tags are protected by four different permissions. The user must have permission for all of the following in order to use this tag:
- Permission to use the tag itself.
- Permission to perform the file operation.
- Permission to work in the directory which contains the files.
- The filename extensions of the files which are being worked with must be allowed in Lasso Administration.


[File_WriteFile NameFile Data]

[File_WriteFile NameFile Data-FileOverWrite]


Required Parameters
File Name The name of the file to be written.
File Data The data which should be appended to the file.
Optional Parameters
-FileOverwrite If specified then the file data is written to the start of the file (overwriting any existing data) rather than appended to the end of the file.


To write data to a file:

Use the [File_Write] tag. The following example writes the contents of a variable theFileContents into a file named myfile.txt from the root of the Web serving folder.

    File_Write: '/myfile.txt', $theFIleContents, -FileOverWrite;
    Output: (File_CurrentError: -ErrorCode) + ': ' + (File_CurrentError);

0: No Error