LassoScript Utility
Basics Browse Detail


Tag Link -Op Category Operator
Type Command Source Available No
Support Abbreviation Version 3.0
Change Unchanged Data Source Any, Lasso MySQL
Output Type None Security None
Implementation LCAPI Sets Lasso 8.5, Lasso 8.0, Lasso 7.0, Lasso 6.0, Lasso 5.0, Lasso 3.x


-Op sets the field matching operator which is used for the next name/value pair. The -Op tag can have any of the values BW, EW, CN, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, EQ, NEQ for any data source. The default is BW for each name/value pair if no -Op is specified.

BW - Begins With.
EW - Ends With.
CN - Contains.
LT - Less Than.
LTE - Less Than or Equals.
GT - Greater Than.
GTE - Greater Than or Equals.
EQ - Equals.
NEQ - Not Equals.

The following operators may be used with MySQL data sources in Lasso Professional 6 and higher:

FT - Full Text Search
RX - Regular Expression Search
NRX - (Not) Regular Expression Search


[Inline: -Op=Operator, 'Field_Name'='Value', ...]

<a href= "default.lasso?-Op=Operator&Field_Name=Value&...">Link</a>

<form action="default.lasso" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="-Op" value="Operator">
<input type="text" name="Field_Name" value="Value">


Required Parameters
Operator The field matching operator. One of BW, EW, CN, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, EQ, NEQ.


To specify what field-level operator to use in a database action:

Use the -Op command tag. The following example specifies a -Search action in [Inline] ... [/Inline] tags. The field First_Name is searched using a contains operator CN. This returns records for both Beth Surname and Mary Beth LastName since both names contain Beth.

[Inline: -Search,
    <br>[Field: 'First_Name'] [Field: 'Last_Name']

<br>Beth Surname
<br>Mary Beth LastName

To perform a full-text search on a field in MySQL:

If a MySQL field is indexed as full-text, then using -Op='ft' before the field in a search inline performs a MySQL full text search on that field. The example below performs a full text search on the Jobs field in the Contacts database, and returns the First_Name field for each record that contain the word Manager. Records that contain the most instances of the word Manager are returned first.



To use regular expressions as part of a MySQL search:

Regular expressions can be used as part of a search value for a field by using -Op='rx' before the field in a search inline. The following example searches for all records where the Last_Name field contains eight characters using a regular expression. Using -Op='nrx' searches for fields that do not contain eight characters.

Lastname, Mike

Lastname, Mary Beth
