LassoScript Utility
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Tag Link [Lasso_Uptime] Category Administration
Type Substitution Source Available Yes
Support Preferred Version 7.0.4
Change Unchanged Data Source Any
Output Type Duration Security Tag
Implementation LDML Sets Lasso 8.5, Lasso 8.0, Lasso 7.0


[Lasso_Uptime] will return a duration from the time the LassoService was started. Specifically, when the Startup.LassoApp was initialized during the Lasso Service startup process.




No Parameters Required.

Change Notes

This tag was added for 7.0.4.


To get the general uptime:

To return the duration for how long the Lasso Service has been running, all you need to do is call [Lasso_Uptime].



To get the number of hours Lasso has been running:

The [Lasso_Uptime] tag returns a Duration object, which means that you can use all the Duration member tags with [Lasso_Uptime] result. Below is an example of just returning the number of hours that the Lasso Service has been running.
