LassoScript Utility
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Tag Link [LassoApp_Create] Category Technical
Type Substitution Source Available No
Support Preferred Version 5.0
Change Unchanged Data Source Any
Output Type String Security Tag
Implementation LCAPI Sets Lasso 8.5, Lasso 8.0, Lasso 7.0, Lasso 6.0, Lasso 5.0


[LassoApp_Create] creates a LassoApp. Requires three parameters: -Root specifies the folder which contains the files to be compiled into a LassoApp, -Entry specifies the name of the file which should be served by default from the LassoApp, and -Result specifies the path of the LassoApp file which should be created.

Both -Root and -Result must be specified using platform specific paths which are fully qualified. The -Entry parameter should be specified relative to the -Root folder. If the file specified by -Result already exists it will be overwritten.

The result is 0 if the LassoApp is created successfully or an error message otherwise.


[LassoApp_Create-Root='Path to Folder',
  -Entry='Relative Path to Entry File',
  -Result='Path to Result File']


Required Parameters
-Root The platform-specific path to the folder which contains the files that should be compiled into the LassoApp.
-Entry The path to the default file for the LassoApp, specified relative to the -Root folder.
-Result The platform-specific path to the desired result file. The filename should end with the file suffix .LassoApp.


To create a LassoApp on Windows 2000:

Use the [LassoApp_Create] tag. The following tag will create a LassoApp named MySolution.LassoApp from the folder C:\InetPubwwwrootMySolution with the entry file defualt.lasso.



To create a LassoApp on Mac OS X:

Use the [LassoApp_Create] tag. The following tag will create a LassoApp named MySolution.LassoApp from the folder /Library/WebServer/Documents/MySolution/ with the entry file defualt.lasso.

[LassoApp_Create:  -Entry='default.lasso', 